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Old 8th November 2021, 05:20 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Both just as epic and enjoyable as the first , two towers with the collapse of the fellowship Frodo and Sam make there way to Mount Doom and encounter Golem who says he will show them a safe way , but they are captured while Aragorn and co must defend the fortress of helms deep from a massive army of orcs and goblins, while Gandalf has returned from the dead more powerful , the return of the king , The final battle for middle earth begins , Aragorn finally embraces his destiny to become king. Sam and Frodo make are getting closer too destroying the ring but the ring his having a terrible effect on Frodo and betrayal is in the air.

Both films looks stunning with some fantastic and epic battles . Granted some people thought return had too many "endings" but saying that I would of liked to have seen the death of saruman as it was in the book, he didn't die at the tower but escapes with wormtounge too the Shire and with the help of the Sackville Baggins quickly takes over and enslaves the hobbit people but he is over throwing when Frodo and Co return , wormtounge still kills saruman when he insulted one too many times and so slits his throat!

The point of these films to me has always been that even the smallest and weakest of us has the power to change the world.

Up next The Godfather part 3, but dont know if I should watch the original version of the Coda cut.

Last edited by trebor8273; 8th November 2021 at 05:51 PM.
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