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Old 17th November 2021, 08:50 AM
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Dave Boy Dave Boy is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: U.K


This movie when announced and released seemed to generate a lot of chatter. Mostly who the hell is he? If you are not a comic reader then chances are you have never heard of him. I first read about Shang-Chi in his own comic in the 1970s. Shang-Chi has also been in The Avengers.
So, he's been around for a while. Marvel took a big chance making a movie with a headline character that most of the MCU audience will have never heard of and does not come with a tagline of 'superhero'.
The release of the movie was joint cinema and online streaming which created much of a stir. The fate which also fell to BLACK WIDOW and caused major upsets.
So, the movie did not arrive under the best conditions which is a shame because this is a good film. Plenty of really good choreographed action sequences mixed with some nice humorous moments.
Characters and nods to previous movies, and a mid end credits sequence keep the movie grounded in the MCU.
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