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Old 9th February 2022, 03:00 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Dec 2012

Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
Romper Stomper is a much more agreeable £25 on Amazon now. It's a good film but I might wait for the inevitable standard edition to arrive and pick it for less.
I picked up Romper Stomper for £2 on DVD to have around in case of another lockdown, so I'm happy with the DVD

I have Species 1-3 on DVD and in no rush for an upgrade.

Probably pick up Mardi Gras Massacre in standard form if it becomes less exclusive.

Remember seeing Zone Troopers on a Drive In Delerium Blu Ray and it looks like I'll pick that up. A lot of people want the VHS Rental cover as the reverse cover art.

Human Lanterns and Seventh Curse have my attention but not fond of the prices.

Others I may get when in a sale provided I like the trailers.
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