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Old 12th February 2022, 12:43 AM
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SymbioticFunction SymbioticFunction is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Chichester, UK.

Here's my friend's review of Dark Glasses followed by a video of three film clips.

"I really liked Dark Glasses (Occhiali neri). At times I had tears in my eyes, as it self-referenced Dario's previous films time and time again. It felt realistic, I was invested in the characters throughout and believed in their plight. I thought it showed considerable depth given the short run time. However it felt oddly truncated at times. I also thought the score was a little disappointing overall, but I even loved moments of that. Considering Dario's last two films, this is a major leap in the right direction. I enjoyed it very much. I am so happy that Dario made this film at 80 years of age. It's not overly gory but it's effective and believeable. Even though I'd class this as one of Dario's most realistic films, it has a strange aura. It is shot in natural light with excellent cinematography throughout. It's better to live in a world where Dario is still making good films. If this is to be his swansong, it's a fine way to bow out and retire. I'm feeling a strong 7 on this at the moment."

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