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Old 23rd February 2022, 06:46 PM
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Graveyard Graveyard is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Southampton


Movies I managed to watch the last couple of weeks, mixed bag of good and bad.

Benedetta so much hopes for this one, but was a little flat - yes we do have Nun's going wild but we saw that before, it's always good to see Verhoeven still working, not to sound like a broken record, his older stuff were much better

Valentine Old school slasher, the deaths could be much better, for example the one in the hot tub, maybe there is an Unrated version somewhere out there.

Slc Punk & Fear of the black hat Spinal Tap for punk & rap - FOBH it's hilarious, I'm not even close to know rap music, but the lyrics the videoclips everything just works so well.

TCM I'm sure the hate around all the social media is enough to put everyone off, for me was alright, not great but can you really make this movies great again?

Requiem for a Vampire Jean Rollin it's always a hit and a miss, he always manage to find the best locations to do his movie, cinematography it's always great too but drags so much sometimes, this one is so boriiiing

Spider Baby Quiet violent for the time, I enjoyed more than expected. Not sure it's because I watched TCM recently, but I could think about this movie being a good inspiration for the original one.

The last movie, I will not make any comments
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