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Old 4th March 2022, 05:22 PM
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Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Apr 2008

VOICES ( 1973 )
There’s a touch of DON’T LOOK NOW about this UK mystery drama, with a husband and wife coming to terms with the accidental death of their son. Real life couple David Hemings and Gayle Hunnicut ( going through a troublesome marriage at the time ) play the bickering couple in a drama that feels more like an extended Play For Today or Brian Clemens Thriller episode ( and there’s nothing wrong with that ) which gives it quite a unique feel.
I enjoyed this ( in the same way I love the above tv series ) and it’s great to see such a little seen film given the excellent Indicator treatment.

SHOCK ( 1977 )
Mario Bava’s final film features a terrific performance from Daria Nicolodi as a deeply disturbed woman trying to recover from the death of her previous husband, while struggling with the strange goings on in her house, which seem to be linked with her young son’s increasingly strange behaviour.
It doesn’t seem to rank highly among Bava’s output, but I really like SHOCK and have noticed lots of new details in the movie - mainly thanks to Arrow’s superb Blu Ray presentation and Stephen Thrower’s excellent review of the film, on here as an extra.
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