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Old 6th March 2022, 02:42 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Blog Entries: 2

Danger Diabolik. 1968.

A master thief and his lover pull off a heist and are being pursued by cops and gangsters who's money they have stolen.

Mario Bava swapped his horror/thriller director chair for this crime thriller, this was interesting as it seems based on a Italian comic strip and somewhat James Bond style. John Phillip Law and Marisa Mell play the couple and try to play cat and mouse with those trying to capture them but always manage to stay one step ahead. Bava's direction is always on top notch with this with great cinematography and excellent back ground score by Ennio Morricone.

Done De Laurentiis who produced this gave Bava a budget of $3 million, Bava who had never really had a budget that high given to him relied on imagination than money was able to make it on the budget of $400.000, a sequel was lined up but never came to anything which was a shame as it seems to be left open.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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