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Old 23rd March 2022, 07:52 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Blog Entries: 2

Midsomer Murders: Season 2

Death's Shadow.
The Barnaby's plan to renew their wedding vows after 25 years, Tom is distracted by a murder at Beaver's drift.

Strangler's Wood.
A naked body of a young Brazilian woman is found, which suggests a serial killer has returned after 9 years.

Dead Man's Eleven.
Fletcher's Cross is gearing up for their annual cricket match until the wife of a landowner and cricket captain is found dead.

Blood will Out.
A gathering of travelers appear, and a murder happens with someone known to the community, who is the guilty one.

This season seemed a bit more tense, upping the suspense a bit more never seen this season before and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Season 3.
Death Of A Stranger.
A tramp is found dead in the woods, Barnaby and Troy don't seem to get any helpful answers.

Blue Herrings.
Tom goes to visit his aunt in a nursing home and is drawn into looking at deaths that seem to be happening there that may be suspicious.

Judgement Day.
Village of the year competition is coming up, and the locals fear their chances have gone when a womanizer is found dead by a pitchfork.

Beyond The Grave.
A look into a slashed painting leads Barnaby and Troy to look into a disappearance and death.

Couple of these episodes especially Blue Herrings are filmed with low lighting that seems to be a strain on the eyes, Prunella Scales turns up as a psychic which is a bit of a laugh. These seem to get better as the seasons go on.
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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