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Old 24th March 2022, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop View Post
NIGHT ANGEL – Nineties ripeness set within a fashion mag’s head office, where various poseurs fall victim to the razor-claws of a pouty siren. Sooner or later, everyone is seen wearing a beret in at least two shots. I liked it, it has the tacky smoothness of a lot of B movies of its era, a kind of stylisation that’s over the top but somehow lifeless at the same time; ‘Night Angel’ is the natural corollary of a world where Calvin Klein, direct-to-video and the crass plundering of folklore coexist. It’s too heavy handed to be remotely erotic, but looking past the sultry décor there are plenty of wild fx moments, such as an orgy that looks like it might’ve been hosted by Hot Gossip and Screaming Mad George (I should mention that the make-up was by Steve Johnson, but you get my drift, it all goes a bit ‘Society’ there for a couple of seconds), a crazed slow-motion zombie siege and a few other splattery mishaps. Even after all that, ‘Night Angel’s most endearing quality is just a kind of bad pop-video goofiness. Utter bollocks but fun.
Saw bits of this on

download (3).jpeg

Never actually seen a decent copy of the film and forgot all about it, your review has put me back on the trail to find it again.
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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