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Old 27th March 2022, 10:11 AM
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Frankie Teardrop Frankie Teardrop is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Leeds, UK

URGE TO KILL – Dick Randall had his hand in this one. It’s flabbergasting, as though a fourth rate Ken Russel had been charged with the task of “Stock, Aitken and Waterman; the Untold Story” and decided to remake “The Demon Seed” instead. Confused? You will be. A sleazy record producer lives in a flat controlled by proto-Alexa surveillance system known as S.E.X.Y (red flag number one – the acronym doesn’t even stand for anything). He chats up girls, watches sci-fi porn plus or minus mud wrestling, is visited by dominatrices who end up in a hot-tub nightmare starring the most inspired severed limbs I’ve seen this side of ‘Tenebrae’ (don’t get your hopes up, it’s utterly bath-etic). A number of other fairly horrible computer-driven deaths occur. Somewhere along the line, S.E.X.Y materialises as a naked living statue impersonating Siouxsie Sioux. “This movie is like a fever dream” is a phrase used too often these days, but it’s accurate in this case. Not having much cash for blu rays has sent me scuttling in search of bad VHS rips on youtube; thank goodness for that, because mind-blowers like this are the reason I’m still watching screens. I realise I’m asking in vain, but can’t BFI or Vinegar Syndrome put out a nice refurbishment I can at least drool over in HMV shop windows?
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