NOTD I've watched on vhs, dvd etc and this is the best I've seen it look tbh. You'll be watching it again soon methinks ... it's that kind of flick ....
A double double bill this time, same year
and Bo Svenson's in both
Purely unintentional you understand ....
The Curse II: The Bite (1989, "Fred Goodwin" ... Franco Prosperi)
Screamingly unconnected to the first one, a couple find there's more to life than saving some mileage along the way.
Quite as crazed as the original for aw that, just in a different way. The Primark Demi Moore and some clod find no respite from the road in this backwater. FX by Screaming Mad George, so you know it's gonna get gloopy.
Beyond The Door III (Jeff Kwitny)
Yes, it's Amok Train
Bo does an accent this time, so form that orderly queue folks! Quite the maddest flick tbh. The dialogue is presented in such a stilted way that it should really have been dedicated to the Stiglitz
A bunch of types take a cheap holiday in other people's misery and pay the dearest price of all. Spectacularily gaudy in the way we love, this had me entertained right up to the end.