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Old 7th April 2022, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Dave Boy View Post
Attachment 239666

An underwater mining crew battle the effects of genetic mutation after two of the crew drink what they think is vodka from a sunken Russian ship..

A mish-mash of ideas from movies such as ALIEN and THE THING.
Stan Winston's practical effects look good and we really only get glimses of the mutation creature with the crew it's absorbed.
I saw this at the Odeon Marble Arch London on release and it was at the same time as other underwater movies such as THE ABYSS and DEEPSTAR SIX were also doing the rounds.
This is one of those films that is a guilty pleasure for me and a laugh when Meg Foster gets a happy knuckle sandwhich at the end. Hands Down though The Abyss will always be top of the list for the best 80s underwater Sci-Fi film.
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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