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Old 17th June 2022, 06:45 PM
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Demdike@Cult Labs Demdike@Cult Labs is offline
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Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (2008)

An enjoyable romantic comedy drama starring Michael Cera and Kat Dennings who meet when Norah asks Nick to pretend to be her boyfriend to get her out of a sticky situation. Over the course of the night they try to find mythical NY indie band Where's Fluffy's secret show and search for Norah's drunken best friend, Caroline (Ari Graynor).

A film that plays out during one night and for the most part works very nicely. It's not what you'd call a laugh out loud comedy but the characters are all pretty much endearing, even the bitchy ex-girlfriend of Cera who he's pining for throughout the night. Most of the laughs and one moment that'll make you wretch come courtesy of Caroline's drunkenness whilst the rest plays out like a will they / won't they love story.

Taking place across Manhattan and Brooklyn the film visits real venues and places and includes some genuine music porn as the camera lovingly pans around the legendary Electric Lady Studios ironically as a real bout of sex is going on.
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