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Old 2nd July 2022, 06:12 PM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
The Child (1977)

An interesting and utterly bizarre regional horror about a young woman hired as a housekeeper at an old house in the sticks. She soon finds out that the 11 year old girl who lives there has a horrific secret.

Highly atmospheric, this low budget production (perhaps a reason for the wild atmosphere) is like some weird nightmare especially as Halloween approaches and the jack o' lanterns come into play, and then there's the old mill...and the zombies.

At times it has the feel of an old horror from the thirties along the lines of White Zombie (1932) with it's dream like ambiance. The whole film feels like watching someone else's nightmare and it gains even more power when there's actually a dream sequence happening on screen.

This review probably makes no sense so in that respect it suits the film to a tee, just go watch it and see for your self. Where's Frankie Teardrop when you need him to explain this shit?

It's available in Arrow's American Horror Project Volume Two box set and it looks a hell of a lot better than the old dvd i used to own.

Great double bill with Lemora imho.

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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