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Old 10th July 2022, 06:44 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Blood Freak. 1972.

A biker meets a woman after helping her change a flat tire, she takes him home to a drug fuelled party and accepts a job on the turkey farm unaware her father is a mad scientist.

from the start we have a very shaky camera so people that suffer motion sickness be advised, even I was feeling dizzy with it, co-writer/director Steve Hawkes plays the lead Hershell who helps a lady in distress and basically becomes a guinea pig to her father. At 79 minutes this film felt longer, the acting is never great, a delay with a leg being sawn off to the scream, a turkey mask that does seem genuine but certainly one not to take seriously. Co-write/director Brad Ginter does make a appearance every so often as the on screen narrator.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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