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Old 20th July 2022, 07:45 AM
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Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
The Iron Rose. 1973.

A young couple take a stroll through a cemetery only to get lost with paranoia settling in as the night goes on.

Another simple tale, boy and girl meet, they go for a walk through a simple cemetery, head into a crypt for a bit of hanky panky, as night falls they can't find the exit. Something different from Jean Rollin as nobody is getting beaten badly, no vampires or people getting raped, but does manage to give out his usual female nudity.

This may have a element of Blair Witch Project, people going round in circles and does seem to have a feel of supernatural to it with psychological horror, Francoise Pascal and Hugues Quester play the young couple who know how to play the blame game and have a sense of dread. At 75 minutes this is a slow paced film but has the Rollin nicely touched cinematography to it. Best watched with peace and quiet to appreciate it.

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I love this film.
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