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Old 8th August 2022, 04:01 PM
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The accused,

British drama at its best, By Jimmy McGovern,
2 series 10 episodes
Each story is different so there is no connection, but all the same theme of ordinary pol ending up in court,
in this extremely star-studded cast Juliet Stevenson, Sheridan Smith, Peter Capaldi, Sean Bean and many many more,
Its gritty realistic intense drama that effectively reflects the struggle of ordinary everyday people,
Each episode starts off with them being led from their police cell to the courtroom and then the story begins, there is no happy medium, it deals with the realism of the impact of the aftermath and how it affects ppl, and it ends when the court finds them guilty or not, you can sympathise with a lot of them but that doesn't make it right what they did,
seen this before and it's still a delight to watch the second time round, if you're looking for something that's realistic then it's a must-watch if you're looking for a happy ending then avoid because there is none theres no happy ending of someone being killed and families being ripped apart.
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