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Old 11th August 2022, 08:23 AM
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I'm just spitballing here, but with rumours that Tennant has wrapped filming and a slightly suggestive Instagram post from Karen Gillan, could the reason there's going to be three 60th specials is that the idea is to have a different Doctor in each? So you have the Toymaker (probably) as the overarcing villain in all three, but three different Doctors and companions in each special? Basically a different sort of multi-Doctor anniversary special? So you have Tennant and Tate in one, Matt and Karen in another... but who would be in the third? Capaldi seems very leery (and possibly pissed at the BBC if the rumours of him being forced out are true), unless Bad Wolf money can lure him back... but what about McGann? We've already heard rumours that one special will be an adaptation of the 8th Doctor comic strip The Flood, but what if it actually had McGann in it?
Fandom would lose its s**t.
I'm just wondering if this is why they're doing three specials (and, according to Harris at least, they're all being broadcast in November next year rather than spread out, so they're all part of the anniversary)? Could I be onto something? Or am I full of it?
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