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Old 13th August 2022, 06:57 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Street Smart. 1987.

A journalist looking for a story on prostitution and pimps of New York fabricates a story that has the police interested and a pimp who believes the story to be about him.

This shows how journalists can be creative with a story and let it blow out of proportion and not think of the aftermath, the Man Of Steel just does that, takes a story and twists it around that leads him to the attention of a pimp Morgan Freeman who can be calm and charming then ferocious and bitter. The time the two leads appear on screen shows how good of actors they are with a good creative director. Mimi Rogers lays the calm girlfriend who is caught in the crossfire but still stands by her man and his paper.

The film that Christopher Reeve wanted the Cannon Group to fund after Superman IV which they did and as usual they tried to cut corners, instead of filming it in New York they decide to do it in Quebec and somehow managed to save some money but didn't really advertise the movie well that it slipped through some audiences and poor box office sales. This is certainly worth a look.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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