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Old 2nd October 2022, 05:10 PM
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Just watched the tinder swindler on Netflix , I will never understand how ppl will allow themselves to be conned out of literally thousands, couple 100 quid maybe, but not 100 grand or so, what made it worse was he was supposed to be rich (he wasn't but the impression he gave) if I was the women id be if you're so rich then why are you asking me for money, it's amazing how gullible some ppl can be, but kudos to the women at the end playing him at his own game, sadly the sentence he got doesn't justify the amount of money he conned ppl 10million, and amount of ppl he left heavily in debt, it just annoys me that in the end he now a successful business millionaire and these women are struggling to pay off the debt he left them with, what happened to karma or what goes around comes around?
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