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Old 3rd October 2022, 08:35 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
Cult Master
Cult Labs Radio Contributor
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


30 Days of Unseen Horror

Day 3

When six friends head off for a weekend away in their seaplane they are forced to make an emergency landing when the plane suffers some engine malfunction off an remote island in the Pacific Northwest. Seeking assistance and shelter they find a house owned by Ma and Pa a real god fearing elderly couple and their three "kids" Fanny Woody and Teddy but these are no ordinary kids. It's not long before the warm welcome the group received turns very cold indeed.

I have been meaning to check this out for years and never got around to it so glad I go finally did. I love the madness of it all the "kids" are so creepy and funny at the same time playing around like real children jumping rope playing on the big swing shooting cap guns which all adds to the disturbing nature of the film. All the kills are fun as hell made better by the reaction of the kids so devious yet playful and innocent its fantastic.

As crazy as the film is I think the twist is more disturbing than what went before it when an even more sinister madness takes over.

Great acting great setting great kills 3 for 3 it's a great start how long will this positive run last
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