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Old 4th October 2022, 07:47 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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The Manitou. 1978.

A psychic's girlfriend who has a lump on her her back is a fetus that is growing of 400 year old Native American spirit, and is encouraged to find a medicine man to fight the spirit.

Based on the novel Graham Masterton, William Girdler who gave us Grizzly switches things up to a almost Exorcist rip-off...what am I saying...clearly it is a rip-off. A young woman being possessed, a Native American calling all the spirits to attack the spirit of one who they see as the devil.

Tony Curtis performance can be a bit over the top at times as the psychic who freaks out a little bit. Susan Strasberg play the victim of the Indian spirit who screams seem to be out of sync. Michael Ansara plays the medicine man and does take the role seriously and able to pull it off. Burgess Meredith does appear but only has about 6 minutes of screen time as the professor pf anthropology.

Given the films budget this was done decently but towards the end the visual effects do seem a bit naff with the final confrontation, but then you go with what you can do, just a shame the sequels to the books were never made.


Up Next House On Haunted Hill 1999.
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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