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Old 12th October 2022, 07:29 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Location: Ireland

30 Days Of Unseen Horror

Day 11

MV5BMTRlNTI2OGMtOGIzYy00Zjk5LThjNTQtMDk5ODY0MjllNmIwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_FMjpg_UX100.jpg grave-robbers-ladrones-de-tumbas-movie-film-horror-1989-1.jpg

When an order of monks discover that one of there order is using satanic rituals to impregnate a virgin with the seed of Satan they capture him and after some brutal torture he is kill by plunging his axe into his chest. But before he breaths his last breath he promises to return from the grave and exact his revenge and finish his promise to Satan. Fast forward to modern day and a group of teenagers who make their money from robbing the valuable from grave all over Mexico but this maybe the last grave they ever desacrate when they stumble upon the final resting place of the Satanic monk and remove the axe from him chest and accidently bring his back from the grave. The monk pick the local sherrifs daughter to be the one to impregnate with the child of Satan when he find her and her friends on a camping trip in the woods.

What a blast this film is right from the off we are straight into the gore and kills setting the mood for what is to follow. The satanic monk had me in stitches during the torture scene when they remove his shirt this isn't some run of the mill monk this guy is ripped to shit it was like watching Pumping Iron with Arnie .

Just like Cemetery of Terror the atmosphere in this film is through the roof with crazy rain storms and then hurrican type winds blowing through the crypts of the cemeterys. The monk looks great for the most part I loved the robe and big hood covering his face but it would been more effective if it was long and not cut off half way exposing his hipster skinny jeans . The kills and gore are all fantastic with plenty of kills every kill is completely different the one in the jail cell was one of my favourites and the fence scene . The film just flew by i was having so much fun with it if only felt like we had just begun and it was over.

Can't recommend this highly enough it's a must for everyone so much fun.

I had to post the original poster just because it's so hilarious and ridiculous you would never guess this was an amazing horror film just a cheesy 80s action film
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