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Old 13th October 2022, 03:57 AM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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The Company Of Wolves. 1984.

A young girl has nightmares of wolves while living in a manor house.

This is a well made movie based on the short stories Wolf-Alice and The Werewolf by Angela Carter and directed by Neil Jordan with his first horror movie. Angela Lansbury (R.I.P) plays the grandmother who tells tales to Rosaleen played by Sarah Pattersen who then in turns tells tales to her mother about wolves.

It is like a dark Gothic tale of Red Riding Hood mixed with fairy tale folklore of dark woods, despite the low budget this had, Jordan and the crew do manage to create great effects with the cinematography, set pieces and good costume designs. There is some decent gore scenes and some good transformation scenes created by Christopher Tucker. Certainly a good cult classic film.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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