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Old 13th October 2022, 08:55 PM
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Has anyone else seen midnight club yet?

Criticism about the show no actual spoilers.

I've just finished episode 4, tbh I don't think the shows itself as bad as ppl make it out to be,
I find part of the problem is the acting isn't that great in parts,
It would help if we had more likeable characters who were a tadge more cheerful, it's a bit of putting how everyone is so morbid and has constant downers on literally everything,
it's like a hospice that's run by no one you barely ever see any staff at all like as if the place runs itself, so far you mainly only seen the Dr or the women who runs the group therapy, and as for Anya seriously who the hell have they got to play her everything about the character even the person who plays her is extremely grating. These are a few gripes that's probably putting me off, that and the main complaint is it's too slow, granted it is a bit slow but I love slow burners as long as they have decent plot and storyline to it, after all a lot of ppl liked archive 81 and that was slow, the series had a lot of potential but is failing a bit short due to the above problems, and probably more.
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