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Old 15th October 2022, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Mojo View Post
I’m up to episode 8 and I have to admit I’m really enjoying it so far.
I know what you mean about the set up of the hospice with seemingly one nurse ( although others are referred to ). And does anyone EVER switch a light on??!
The Anya character does grate a bit, but I think you’ll sympathise with her a bit more as the show progresses.
The scares are good, too.
Here’s hoping for a decent ending!
True, I just don't think it's as bad as ppl are making out, apart from the Anya character rest are just minor gripes but they don't actually ruin the show, I do think the build up is been done very nicely and the atmospheres there, hope it's building up to something and the storyline be like a jigsaw puzzle they'll all fit together in the end, and we are left with more Q? Than answers, but so far not too bad. Just a few tweaks here could have slightly improved it.
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