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Old 18th October 2022, 06:18 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

30 Days Of Unseen Horror

Day 18


Up in the Canadian mountain wilderness trio on a snowmobile trip take shelter in an abandoned hotel when a major snow storm hits. Inside they discover and old woman who lives with her son's but this isn't some run of the mill family.

Right off the bat two of the three main characters are complete dickhead ass holes and you want them dead right away the sort of people who didn't even need to talk to know you don't want to spend any time in their company what so ever but unfortunately for us they more than outstay their welcome. I loved the setting and the added feeling of isolation that the snow storm brings but they didn't build on it enough for me. Most of the film is spent with people slowly walking around in the dark aimlessly just holding lanterns and it fails to create any real tesnsion or suspence just eventually I started thinking of just walk bloody faster and get to where you are going. The old lady was sort of cool but still they didn't build her character enough. By the end of the film I was pretty bored off my head honestly there is a little twist at the end but I can't say it was a surprise it was sort of on the cards from early on really.

A missed opportunity.
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