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Old 20th October 2022, 10:31 PM
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The Devil's Nightmare. 1971.

A group of tourists on a bus tour stop off at a castle owned by a family that have a dark cloud over them.

Another Euro sleazy shock horror that when it was released it got butchered with editing and scenes trimmed or cut completely, thanks to those who released it gave us the uncut version.

The plot itself isn't something new, nice Gothic castle that hides a dark secret of devil worshiping and sacrifice but with a somewhat bizarre twist that the people on the tour bus represent the seven deadly sins or is it me that looked into this a bit too deep? Filmed on a tight shoe string budget, director Jean Brismee wasn't exactly letting that hamper his view one what could happen and really wasn't shying away from horror and torture and a bit of girl on girl. Cat lovers beware during a certain scene.


Up next The Sentinel
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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