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Old 24th October 2022, 08:29 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Witchtrap. 1989.

A guy being chased round the house by a ghost while the camera can give you motion sickness, a parapsychologist, two psychics and a video tech tag along with three private investigators who seem to moonlight as a private security firm get the low down on the house and previous owner...what can go wrong?

After the first 5 minutes you know the acting is going to be really bad, even Linnea Quigley who is in the film for a short time can't save it even when she bares all. Director Kevin Tenney who has a small appearance does try his best. Judy Tatum does tend to overact a lot and James Quinn does deliver some laughs. Yet for some strange reason I still find this film entertaining.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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