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Old 31st October 2022, 01:18 PM
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Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Mar 2016

I like it that they have gone back to the old logo and this is hopefully a sign that the stories will also be influenced by that period.

Oh how I long for a story where the Doctor and companions land in an isolated planet/space station/community and deal with properly scary threat and the Doctor doesn't know everything in advance instead of these galaxy spanning 'epics' where you have no clue as to what's going on and the plots turn on ludricous, unbleievable coincidences for them to resolve themselves.

If I was advising the writers, I'd tell them to take Classic Who Season 13 as their benchmark and run with it.

And also more controversially I'd tell them to ditch the classic monsters for a season or two unless they can come up with something that makes them scary again.
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