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Old 23rd November 2022, 11:24 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Dec 2012

Walker: Texas Ranger: Season 1

Chuck Norris is the titular character solving many crimes with the only way he knows how. He is partnered with a new ranger who he teases a lot. As this was originally shown in 1993, there are much better shows now but it's a decent watch and I'd would have enjoyed it much more if I had seen this in the 90's.

As with many older shows, there were some interesting co-stars from Tobey Maguire and Giovanni Ribisi. Also there was Mike Norris, Richard Norton and Patrick Kilpatrick (For the 90's B-Movie Action Crowd)

I believe that there was a mistake in the opening credits, originally it said Walker: Texas Ranger is Chuck Norris. It got changed to the other way around later on.
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