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Old 28th November 2022, 08:10 AM
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iank iank is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

Wednesday. Middling on this so far. Feels a bit like a standard CW supernatural teen drama that someone had the bright idea of grafting The Addams Family onto to get it more attention than it would have otherwise. That being said, Jenna Ortega (the only "new" cast member of the godawful new Scream movie to make any impression on me at all) is spot on as Wednesday, a worthy successor to Christina Ricci, and is seriously pretty too. Her perky little blonde roommate is pretty damn cute too, and their burgeoning chalk and cheese friendship is a lot more fun and interesting than the 'plot' so far. I'm kind of hoping they'll get together at some point. Maybe in season 2? It is Netflix after all!
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