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Old 3rd December 2022, 07:40 AM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Dundee
Blog Entries: 2

The Hot Zone:Anthrax

Noble Eagle.
After a man falls ill, Special Agent Matthew Ryker of the F.B.I. is determined to prove that the man has been in contact with anthrax.

Hell's Kitchen.
Ryker's investigation takes a turn when someone in New York has been infected with Anthrax and a bio chemist Bruce Irvin may have suspicion that a work colleague is responsible.

Neither Rain Nor Sleet.
A U.S. postal service is under quarantine after a letter at Capital Hill was open and a powder was released into a office from the envelope. Stryker is sent to investigate and teams up with a fellow F.B.I agent Dani Toretti.

Dream Boldly, Live Fully.
The F.B.I try to trace the source of a letter that was sent from a school and also look into the staff at the bio services who have worked on Anthrax. While there the staff are questioned and some flags are raised for Bruce Irvin.

Stanton Roeselli.
After some questions are raised about Bruce Irvin, another person falls unde suspicion, a former bio chemist who was dismissed from his post.

Ryker suspicions are tested when he believes he knows who is responsible, along with Toretti have the evidence and try to persuade a District Attorney for a arrest warrant.

Based on true events that happened not long after 9/11 and set over a period of a month this was decently played out with actor Daniel Dae Kim playing Rryker who is trying to find how the Anthrax was released while dealing with early signs of PTSD. Some parts can be quite tense and shows the lengths how the F.B.I went through to uncover who was responsible but sadly there was 6 deaths. Like season 1 this is certainly worth a watch.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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