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Old 21st December 2022, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Gremlins (1984)

I've not seen Gremlins on dvd for years so i'm not sure what made me buy the Blu-ray set of it, and it's 1990 sequel, a couple of weeks ago but i'm glad i did.

I loved the film. It's so brilliantly anarchic. Director Joe Dante (A protege of Roger Corman and mate of Steven Spielberg) absolutely trashes the idyllic view of small town America portrayed in films such as It's A Wonderful Life (1946) (which incidentally plays during the first third of Gremlins) by allowing the Gremlins to go freaking mental.

More violent than you might expect, Gremlins straddles the thin line between fantasy and all out horror.

As far as the Blu-ray goes it looks great, vibrant and colourful with an excellent 5:1 True HD sound mix which really puts you into scenes. From the twinkling of charms in the Chinatown antique store to the all out chaos that ensues in the bar and movie theater, it's terrific. I also noticed how much the fictional town of Kingston Falls looked exactly like the fictional town of Hill Valley. Oh and Steven Spielberg's tiny cameo too.
This is a great choice indeed! I believe I watched it with my kid a couple of years ago and she no longe remembers -- she was only 7. I remember it was an experiment and it was exhausting because I had to narrate the whole thing She was not scared, though, which surprised me, given how violent it turned out to be (memory plays tricks on us). Maybe we'll watch it again this Christmas!
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