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Old 31st December 2022, 03:06 PM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: summerisle
Blog Entries: 21

The last day at work can be ... interesting tbh. Luckily, we got very few donations today, which meant we could concentrate on restocking for the 4th (long weekend!!) when we reopen.
Anyway. One box we got contained a few dvds, which included a slightly battered looking One Foot In The Grave set (thin covers). Whilst the first 3 series were fine, the last 3 weren't , 4th was just missing, 5th, one disc just may have snapped whilst they tried to take it out the first time ahem, 6th was ok after a good clean but the Xmas Specials disc was scratched to buggery. So now I have all of OFITG (got the missing ones in a sale in WH Smiths).

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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