Hitcher In The Dark. 1989.
A young man in his dad's camper, travelling the back roads for lone female hitchhikers.
So we got a lone young 20s something kid who's father seems to be doing alright for himself as a business man...legitimate ofcourse. A Winebego as the ultimate perfect vehicle for tying up people and killing them, but the young man seems to be harbouring deep dark thoughts of his deceased mum so our killer has serious mummy issues.
Being directed by Umberto Lenzi I thought this may be interesting until the Filmirage logo appeared, I don't mind Filmirage movies until Killing Birds they really messed up on that movie..ahem sorry back to this...what the heck happened to Lenzi, was he forced to tone down the killings (which must be his lowest kill count) and show the aftermath of a killing. The acting is never the greatest in this and at times generally wonders off the beaten track, I may give this another go but not anytime soon.