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Old 7th February 2023, 11:20 PM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
Cult Veteran
Good Trader
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: summerisle
Blog Entries: 21

The Seed (2021, Sam Walker)

He made Pool Shark, a bizarre wee short that tickled me at the time, but this ....
3 friends retire to an isolated spot to witness a meteor shower. Sounds innocent enough?
I know I always scream haughtily about suspension of disbelief, but on lots of levels this one takes the biscuit barrel
When something airborne lands in your pool , surely it's time for the hazmat suit to get an airing, yes?
Well then ....

Terror Squad (1987, Peter Maris)

Pretending to be The Breakfast Club, whilst really you are Invasion USA
A silly thing where sweaty terrorists (Islamic variety) have Chuck Connors on their tail after a wee contratemps at the local nuclear power station goes sour
Mayhem and carnage ensue. The stunts are plentiful and quite mad in places. It was just all a bit rote though ... shame as it has all the elements.

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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