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Old 17th February 2023, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
I keep meaning to pick up the second series of The Deuce.

Maggie's wonderful in it.

I watched The Deuce and Scorsese's Vinyl back to back. Both set at the same time and both set in the same area of New York. If you haven't seen that i highly recommend it, Nos.
Yeah, Maggie Gyllenhaal is brilliant, turning a character that, in lesser hands, could have been written and played as a one-dimensional 'sex worker with history'. Instead, she is a well-rounded and relatable person, someone with determination and vulnerabilities who often plays different roles with different people.

I've seen Vinyl a couple of times and would happily do so again. The two shows perfectly evoke the setting, particularly The Deuce's amazing recreation of 42nd Street and that whole area of downtown New York which looks exactly as it does in documentary footage I've seen.
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