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Old 18th February 2023, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop View Post

THE LAIR – Another Shudder. This one’s by the director of ‘Dog Soldiers’ (everyone’s fave apart from mine, apparently) and the ‘The Descent’ (still very good after all these years). Since both of those tend to be venerated I have a feeling that many will go into ‘The Lair’ with quite high expectations, which isn’t a good idea as it’s not on a level with either. It is, however, a serviceable monster shoot-‘em up with a nice amount of splatter and the kind of attitude that’s just pure B-movie pulp (comes through most clearly in the performances, which are quite amusing). Oh, and we get to find out the truth behind the Soviet-Afghan conflict, so who can say that shite horror sci-fi schlock always skimps when it comes the socio-political nitty gritty? I didn’t expect the real reason for all that war an shit to be about experiments on aliens, though. Worth a shot if you’re up for a bit of bang bang splat, but please leave your contempt for flagrant historical revisionism at the door.
Another new Marshall one i saw several months back called The Reckoning was certainly a step down from his earlier directing efforts. After the failure of Hellboy it doesn't seem like he's getting the budgets anymore. I still enjoyed it though.
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