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Old 21st March 2023, 06:02 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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A double bill of Italian knockoffs of mad Max.

The first is mixup of Mad Max and a sword and sorcery film. Here a small group of survivors here about a magical place were people are immortal , we have psychotic gangs, undying pigmies and Amazon's . Terrible but in a good way.

The second was more enjoyable , a gang calling themselves the temples are terrorising the wasteland, a few people band together to stop them . We have George Eastman and Fred Williamson and that kid from house by the cemetery who's some psychotic little car whizz. Enjoyable .

With going to watch John Wick 4 on Friday thought it was time to give the first 3 a rewatch. So now watching the first.

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