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Old 6th April 2023, 06:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Demoncrat View Post
City On Fire (1979, Alan Rakoff)

Disaster caper.
When a refinery (named Manson cough cough cough) employee takes out his frustrations at the plant, the countdown is set.
Leslie Nielsen as the Mayor? Barry Newman as the selfless doctor? Henry Fonda as the police chief??? Is this a Samuel L. Bronkowitz production??
Whilst it had some budgetary limitations, the many real people on fire made up for it ahem. It just teetered on the side of parody once or twice, which did make for a fun watch. Quite grim as well at points.
This was a decent disaster flick, watched it last year, glad you enjoyed it Demon
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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