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Old 16th April 2023, 02:26 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Blog Entries: 2

Riot. 2015.

Cop Jack Stone, mourning the death of his wife stages a bank robbery owned by a Russian mobster and is sent to prison. The Russian mobster Ballan who runs his empire from prison wants revenge on Stone just as Stone wants revenge on him and meets a prisoner called William who gives Stone inside information.

This may not be a blockbuster hit but certainly entertaining, Matthew Reese is the cop now turned new inmate who doesn't take well to the new rules he has to follow and creates a new enemy with Semyon who is the cousin of Ballan played by Chuck Liddell. Dolph Lundgren plays the prisoner and general cleaner who looks and plays a simpleton but has other agenda's. Lundgren does look old in this but certainly is still able to pack a punch. The acting is decent and fight scenes are brilliantly choreographed and everyone isn't scared to take a punch. Worth checking out.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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