Originally Posted by MrBarlow Tried to watch Miami Vice, Michael Mann is a great director but for some reason Colin Farrell was just a bit too dull and somewhat too much talky talky and switched it off, so decided to try this. The Protege. 2021.
Something we have seen before, a young girl raised to be a assassin and seeks revenge. Maggie Q plays the assassin trained by Samuel L. Jackson, when he is killed in a hit, our lady goes on the hunt. Michael Keaton plays the man who is hired to keep secrets and be a hired gun. There is some good brutal fight scenes that were decently choreographed and Keaton knows how to handle himself in a situation. Aside from some scenes being a longer than they had to be I actually enjoyed this and worth checking out. Attachment 246023 |
I did exactly the same with Miami Vice. Bored the hell out of me.
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