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Old 5th June 2023, 10:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Rob4 View Post
Is Bad Boys a semi-remake of Scum? It's a long time since I saw it but I remember thinking that it was hitting some of the beats of Scum very closely and recreating some of the scenes e.g. didn't both films feature assault by pool balls?

It doesn't get mentioned very much these days. Glad you enjoyed it. I'd recommend it too, to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
In a way it is on the same par as Scum, it doesn't have pool balls in a sock but a ton of coke cans in a pillow case, a rape scene involving a woman and a intimate but not shown but we do see the aftermath. Think Dog Pound that was released a few years back was a remake of both this and Scum.
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