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Old 6th July 2023, 02:33 PM
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Frankie Teardrop Frankie Teardrop is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Leeds, UK

Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
The Voices sounds good.

Dread sounds familiar. I don't know if i have it or not. Perhaps i once owned it. Perhaps it's simply been in my wishlist for too long. Puzzles, puzzles.
'The Voices' is well worth a go, definitely on the bleak side of funny.

You'll probably have at least read 'Dread' - it's a Clive Barker adaption (don't think he was involved in the film) based on one of the Books Of Blood stories. Coming from 2009, it's very 'torture porn' and has that slick but sickly filtered look of many of its ilk. It's maybe not so massively gory, but I remember walking away from it with that slightly hollow feeling I often get after I've seen something that touches a raw nerve. Can't think why really, might've been my mood on the day, might be just be my memory's natural tendency to exaggerate working against me. But I recall it having... something.
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