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Old 8th July 2023, 06:14 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


A computer programmer who has a bit of an odd relationship with a computer program that he communicates with like a living breathing thing. His girlfriend is doing her best to keep the relationship going but she feels like a third wheel and the female computer program seems to get more love and affection than her. Things reach a new low when she is proposed to only to be told the computer calculated that it makes better sense to get married than not. After a big bust up the couple are transported to a mysterious world where they are challenged to a series of games by an ancient wizard where the girlfriend is the prize.

You might think in a film like this that the acting might be terrible but it's actually much better than you would expect and I was surprised it's the cheesey dialogue that stands out but the actors really do a great job with what they have been handed. I loved all the make up and creatures yes you can tell it was done on a tight budget but that's the charm of it a lot of effort went into making it look as awesome as possible.

The highlight of the film has to be WASP I got such a kick out of Blackie Lawless attempting to murder the female lead while the band are belting out some kick ass 80s metal in the background

This is the first film from Arrows Empire Films set and like I already said I haven't seen this in decades so going back was a real joy and it really brought me back to my teenage years I had a real fun time.

Far from a great film but it's a blast and if your in a goofy mood you may also get a kick out of this.
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