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Old 14th July 2023, 07:46 PM
Susan Foreman's Avatar
Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
Cult Don
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

AEW Introduces New Safety Protocols / Comic Book .com

Banned Moves & Actions
  • Chair Shots to the Head
  • Chair Shots to the Back of the Head
  • Buckle Bombs
  • Moves Where a Wrestler Falls Backward into a turnbuckle
  • Imitating Concussion or Seizure Symptoms While Selling a Move
  • Spitting
  • Bleeding While In The Crowd
  • Using Weapons or Projectiles in The Crowd
  • Throwing Anything With Blood On It Into The Crowd
  • Taking Food & Drinks From Fans In The Crowd
  • Making Contact With Fans In The Crowd

Moves & Actions That Require Pre-Approval
  • Spots and bumps on the ring apron and outside
  • Table / ladder / chair spots in and out of the ring (Only allowed with padding)
  • Any elevated spots outside of the barricades (dives and ladder spots on stage, around the arena, and other places outside of the ring)
  • All piledriver / tombstone variations, including: sit down drivers, inverted / poison hurricarana and vertebreakers
  • High-risk dives or top rope moves (450, 630, double moonsaults, SSP, etc.)
  • Intentional bleeding (of any sort, not just blading)
  • Throwing people into / through / over ring steps, commentary table, bell table, or guardrails / barricades
  • Weapon usage: Chairs, pipes, kendo sticks, hammers, ring bells, bats, chains, etc. Title belts, thumbtacks, skewers, barbed wire, and other sharp / puncturing objects or Powders, aerosol sprays, or liquids
  • Throwing any weapons or objects - chairs, etc.
  • Choking / strangling with hands or a weapon or hanging spots
  • Injury spots or angles, whether or not medical is involved / called to the ring
  • Any physicality in the crowd or crowd brawling
  • Any physicality involving referees, managers, extras, celebrities, or special guests
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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