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Old 16th July 2023, 03:37 PM
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SymbioticFunction SymbioticFunction is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Location: Chichester, UK.

Watched latest Mission Impossible. Feel a bit disappointed.

btw I thought films 4-6 were great. It's a hard film to judge as opening half hour, a segment where Pegg is trying to defuse a bomb (early on) and the last 25 minutes are excellent but the rest of this 150 minute film didn't do too much for me. Not quite the slam dunk that I was expecting.

Much of the remainder felt like a step backwards. If you also love the first three then you will probably also like this. I'm a bit torn, I certainly wouldn't pay full price for it and I think that I probably can't properly judge it until the second half arrives.

Further btw I got a bit fed up by the sheer number of times a new character shafted over Ethan, became a bit tiresome.
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