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Old 22nd July 2023, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop View Post

ESCAPE ROOM: TOURNEMENT OF CHAMPIONS – I like movies that seem to be about the underlying malevolence of a mechanistic, meaningless universe - ‘Final Destination’, ‘The Cube’, ‘The Game’. There’s something very gripping about watching plot, narrative etc being reduced to a series of game-based ‘fight for your life’ encounters, like The Crystal Maze on the rampage. This sequel doesn’t do much to extend the already derivative original, but the appeal in this case is ‘more of the same’, and that’s what we get. I really enjoyed this one, and I like where this franchise appears to be heading.

THE UNINVITED – This is an American studio remake of Kim Jee-woon’s masterful ‘A Tale Of Two Sisters’. The original had a really elegant atmosphere that fused melancholy with a sense of oblique foreboding. As expected, the multiplex-friendly revision takes a relatively ‘meat and potatoes’ approach, but in some ways it’s actually more satisfying as an overt thriller, with the original’s Hitchcockian elements centre stage in the mind games that play out between Emily Browning and Elizabeth Banks. The wrap-up and the supernatural elements are rote, but overall this was an enjoyably suspenseful watch.
Not seen any of the Escape Room films. I must check them out. Sounds good from what you say.

I also really liked The Uninvited. A Tale of Two Sisters is probably my favourite Korean movie so i went into the remake with trepidation, let's say. But despite all the shite masquerading as remakes Hollywood produces this actually worked really well. Maybe helped by Emily Browning who can flip between stuff like this and edgy indie cinema, such as Sleeping Beauty, with ease.
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