Thanks Dem, it was the early, more horror based novels by King that I used to love, the themes would draw me in.
His later stuff never seemed to have that pitch that grabbed me, so I lost interest.
I'm thinking of doing "The Shining" next maybe, knowing the film version a lot better, I feel it would be interesting to read it and make my mind up again how I really feel about both versions.
Also I have a copy of "Doctor Sleep" so I thought if I read that afterwards I would be able to compare his old and new works, then maybe grab some newer stuff if it inspires me.
I'll see how I feel after "Christine", at around 500 or so pages it's the longest book i've attempted since I jumped back on the reading wagon a few years back. That's a good sign though as I was limiting myself to 200 - 300 page books to get myself going.
MIKE: I've got it! Peter Cushing! We've got to drive a stake through his heart!
VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car!
NEIL: I'll get a cushion.